It’s reached the point in Florida and Michigan where neither remaining candidate in the Democratic Party Marathon is even trying to sound reasonable, much less presidential. Hillary Clinton is arguing the unsupportable position that the original primaries should count, as originally formatted, even though they were held in opposition to party rules and with the understanding by all candidates that they would not count.
Obabma is arguing an equally unsupportable position that, because the political powers in the two states (and in Florida, this means the Republican-controlled legislature) broke the rules, the people of two of the largest and most critical states should be disenfranchised with regard to the party nominee.
normboyd40 :: Methinks I Smell Raw Politics: Boyd’s eye View
I have two thoughts on this issue. First, a pox on both their houses. Let the contest go as it is going. Let them get to the convention, refuse to allow the superdelegates to vote, and nominate Al Gore on the second ballot, with John Edwards as his running mate. (Or John Edwards, with Wesley Clark or Bill Richardson)
Second, stop the stupid squabbling. Hillary – get over it! The original primaries may have seemed like a dream come true for you, but that’s because they were a dream. In the sense of not associated with reality. Get over it!
Obama, knock off the pontificating. It makes YOU look stupid when you talk to us like WE are stupid. Of course, you would love to ignore two states that may just vote for your opponent, but don’t stand there, as “candidate for all the people, all the time” and then say the millions of Dems in these two super-sized states can be ignored. Your camp says “There are serious concerns about security and making sure that everyone gets to vote”. But then you say that the better alternative is to simply guarantee that nobody gets to vote.
So, both of you are exposed for just what you are. Typical machine politicians ready to do anything at all for a victory. Yes. it is true, I will still vote for one of you, if that’s how it ends up, but only because the alternative is unthinkable. No longer will I be able to cast my vote proudly and happily for someone I see as a great American and a potentially great President. No, I will be voting to end the Bush years, to avoid the Bush Lite ascendancy, and get us out of Iraq and back into the rule of law and reason.
A plausible solution for Florida and Michigan has been waved in our faces by a Democrat who, quite frankly, isn’t the most progressive or most loyal to Democratic causes, Sen. Bill Nelson. He would like to tweak the system to favor his candidate, naturally enough, but that can be dealt with. Florida and Michigan have enough big money Democrats to finance this do-over as a mail-in primary. Don’t tell me the US Mail is less trustworthy than Dieboldt Corporation. We can do this. We can do it fairly and efficiently, and we can get a nominee. If not, go back to my first scenario and draft either Al or John.
Oh, and Gov. Dean? May we humbly suggest going back to winner-take-all primaries next cycle? God, I hate it when the GOP is more competent that we are.